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一、Introduction As one of the most popular communication tools in China, Wangxin has been widely used by almost everyone, especially in working environments. However, with the increasing amount of instant messaging, it can be tiring to type the same phrases repeatedly. Thankfully, Wangxin provides a feature called "Auto Phrases" that can help avoid repetitive typing. This feature is not only convenient but can also save a lot of time when communicating with others. 二、What is Auto Phrases? Auto Phrases is a feature that allows users to create predefined phrases, which can be accessed quickly and easily during conversations. Users can set up frequently used phrases or even complete sentences, which will be automatically offered when triggered by specific keywords. For example, if you work in customer service, you might have to type "Thank you for your message" many times a day. With Auto Phrases, you can set up a predefined phrase and the keyword "thank you," then the system will automatically suggest the phrase when you type "thank you" in a conversation. 三、How to Set Up Auto Phrases? Setting up Auto Phrases is easy, and it only takes a few steps: 1. Open Wangxin and click on the "Me" tab 2. Select "Settings," then "Auto Phrases" 3. Tap the plus sign in the upper right corner to add a new phrase 4. Type your new phrase in the "Phrase" field and set the corresponding keyword in the "Keyword" field 5. Tap "Save" to finish the setup Users can set up multiple phrases with different keywords, and they can edit or delete these phrases at any time. 四、Some Examples of Useful Auto Phrases A few examples of useful Auto Phrases include: 1. "Sorry, I am in a meeting" – Triggered by "meeting." 2. "Can you please send me more details?" – Triggered by "details." 3. "Thank you for your payment. Your order has been processed." – Triggered by "payment." 4. "Please give me a moment to check" – Triggered by "check." 5. "I am out of the office. I will reply to your email as soon as possible" – Triggered by "out." By using Auto Phrases, communication becomes more efficient and less repetitive. It saves time, avoids typos, and helps users maintain a professional and consistent tone in their messages. Conclusion In conclusion, Auto Phrases is a very useful feature that can significantly assist users in avoiding repetitive typing. It is easy to set up and can save a lot of time and effort. With the examples provided, users can easily get inspired and create their phrases to fit their communication needs. Try it out, and you might find that it is one of the most efficient timesaving tools at your disposal!


标签: 旺信如何
